Saturday, August 27

"You light up the candle in the sky"

...was the most beautiful song I have ever heard... until I woke up. And now I don't even remember the line that I sang. ='( At least I get to remember the title! Heehee... =)

<"I might as well add this here...">
I distinctly remember a time (just a few weeks before the board exam) when I dreamt with no picture (what color? take a guess...), I thought it was one of those nightmares again but suddenly one of Bach's symphonies played in the background and I swear I could hear every single piece of instrument and follow every note playing for a number of minutes! What fascinates me is how it played in my mind clearly and precisely when all I really know is the part of the first violin with a little accompaniment and I can only follow the notes if I hear the music playing. weird...

mood: fascinated

2 whispers in the wind:

Blogger Celedor whispered...

I hate it when that happens. I've tried quickly coding it into a cellphone or notebook. But for some reason, trying to play it back a few days later results in a blank stare. T_T

30/8/05 7:50 PM  
Blogger jas whispered...

me too... if only we can have a part of our brain for dream memory... that would be fun! heehee =)

31/8/05 10:06 AM  

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